Back to Basics
Pick up the phone once in a while, and the base contact with customers when you're not actually trying to sell them something. Make a phone without a specific intention to give them a sales pitch is an indirect marketing. You can schedule calls for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries, or your program depending on the season, like "spring cleaning", a duty doctor. Some calls are routed to the business, because it reminds customers or potential customers for the business at some point wanted to discuss with you. If you want to take the more direct marketing approach, you can call a particular financial product or service, opportunity, or you may be interested in their financial situation. In general, however, the more indirect approach can work to your advantage.
Ask for references
Either with a letter that goes in the explosion of email or email to your list, send a letter to his customers happy, asking them to relate to others who need your product or financial service. Customers who have worked with you to see first hand how you can benefit, so it is more likely to relate to other people they know. People who are similar and, as needs also tend to run in packs, so chances are good that your customers and prospects that match your target market to meet people that fit in your target market as well. It's human nature to want to help others, so when it comes to finances, emotions that drives many customers to refer people to know that you can help and vice versa.
Paper Presentations
With conferences, you can talk to other events or book your own speech events. Find events in your area that attracts your target audience. Many organizations, associations and other professionals looking to speak to their group. Some hosts of the event pay a fee, but others do not. Your goal in the command conference were not paid, but to move forward groups of people who are your potential customers. Speaking gives you credibility because it paints you as an expert in your financial sector. People are attracted to working with the best of the best, then tell you to create a platform of expertise and give you the opportunity to return participants to customers. Make sure you have a way to collect names and addresses of participants, those with a draw.